SLOCOE Arts Collaborative
We believe that the arts and humanities are not simply a luxury but a necessity in the information age to promote a balanced democracy. The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education (SLOCOE) Arts Collaborative includes a group of artists, art educators and arts supporters committed to sustaining and growing arts education in San Luis Obispo County.
Touching Bass Episode 6
Vocal Function 101
Art Makers - Georges Seurat
ARTS SAFARI: Meet the Tex Mex Musician!
ARTS SAFARI: Meet the Composer!
ARTS SAFARI: Meet the Choral Conductor!
ARTS SAFARI: Meet the Children's Theater Company Owner!
ARTS SAFARI: Meet the Children's Dance Company Owner!
ARTS SAFARI: Meet the Online Guitar Teacher!
Touching Bass episode 5 - Reading Music
ARTMakers - Matisse
OperaSLO - Beauty and the Beast at Kermit King Elementary Q&A